Lies, damned lies, and statistics (and property!)
(or “Statistics, and how much credence to place on them“.) Many of our blogs have reported statistics concerning the Oban and the wider Argyll & Bute property market, and here I am telling you to be very careful when reading … Continue reading
Posted in property, Property Market, values | Tagged analysis, Argyll, Argyll & Bute, average house prices, estate agency, estate agent, house prices, housing market, Market, Oban, property, Scotland, valuesFiuran Property – More than just an Estate Agent!
Buying and selling a home can be extremely stressful, and with many people going through the process only a few times in their lives, it is not something most people get used to. There is also the possibility that the process and the … Continue reading
Posted in Advice | Tagged buying, estate agent, first time buyers, fiuran, help, selling